How to Write a Perfect CPD Statement for Engineers Australia?

yurika khanal
3 min readMar 20, 2022


CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. Engineers Australia believes that to improve their knowledge, retain up-to-date technical skills, and promote their careers as engineers, members should engage in and maintain continuous professional development.

Engineers must recognize the importance of lifelong learning and how it may benefit their careers. You can accomplish so by participating in continuing professional development. CPD Statements are anything that allows you to expand your knowledge, retain specific skills, and advance your profession.

As the name suggests, maintaining a CPD allows the engineers working in Australia to ensure that they are continually building their knowledge and skills that would eventually help them in excelling in their careers. Give your CPD report a boost to pave the way for an excellent CDR report. You need to prepare a good CPD so that your CDR report is approved by EA. Your CPD statement should be unique to you, no matter where you are in your career or what you aspire to accomplish.

Components of Continuing Professional Development

A continuous professional development statement has four primary components, according to the Engineers Australia Standard. Following are the different components of a CPD:

1. Personal Dedication

In this section, you show how you conduct ethically and retain accountability for your engineering efforts in the part dedicated to personal devotion.

2. Community Obligation

This section explains how you engage in group activities, manage risk, and create long-term solutions.

3. Workplace Value

This component entails actively participating at work, making choices, and cooperating.

4. Technical Expertise

In this section, you will exhibit your engineering knowledge and abilities.

How do you Prepare a CPD Statement?

Engineers Australia provides a variety of online media channels for recording your CPD statement record, as well as a manual statement recording mechanism for engineers to record and maintain their CPD report for Engineer Australia skill evaluation. Engineers Australia has created a continuing professional template to help you keep track of your professional development.

Things to Consider while Writing CPD for EA

1. CPD must be in list format with the following necessary information:

  • Title of Training
  • Date of Training
  • Duration of the Training
  • Venue of the Training

2. CPD should include the following details:

  • Post-graduate study(formal)
  • Workshops, short courses, seminars, discussion groups, technical meetings, and inspections attended by engineers.
  • Research papers presented or delivered in any conferences or publication
  • Presentation and preparations of material for courses, seminars, conferences, and symposium
  • Services to the Engineering Profession

3. CPD should be in chronological order.

4. It must provide specific information regarding the title, date, time, place, and other pertinent details.

5. CPD must be on one A4 page. Do not exceed one page.

6. Attaching certificates from courses and events in which you participated is not needed.

7. CPD is more than simply a list of technical abilities and knowledge; it also includes information such as how you used software or code while working for a firm, as well as business management tactics.

8. The CPD must be presented in a list manner so that it is readily comprehended.

A CDR application comprises the required CPD, which is extremely beneficial to your future employment prospects in Australia.

9. It only contains the information about what you did but not how you did it.

10. It is not required to provide all of the credentials from each of the courses you mentioned.

The CPD should not be too extensive because it does not include every information about the many activities that were completed.


CDRReportWriters provide CDR Reports, RPL Reports, and KA02 Reports, as well as 100% original work, on-time delivery, and 24/7 support. You can also get a free CDR sample for use as a reference.

