How to Choose the Correct ANZSCO Code?

yurika khanal
2 min readOct 29, 2021


If you are an engineer who has completed a specific engineering degree but has spent most of your career in a different industry, I would suggest applying under the ANZSCO code, where you have the most expertise. or classifications of many occupation statistics, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Statistics New Zealand, and the Department of Education and Training collaborated to introduce the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).

Assume you’re a recent engineering graduate who’s having trouble coming up with all three Career Episodes. In that instance, you should include your final year university project and base one Career Episode on your experience with the university project. If you worked on another noteworthy project during your studies, you might use it as the basis for another Career Episode as Ill. In any case, all initiatives should incorporate a considerable design exercise.

Consider applying as an Engineering Professional NEC if all three of your Career Episodes are based on separate ANZSCO codes (233999).

Apply as Engineering Professional NEC if your experience does not match any other Professional Engineering ANZSCO codes. Project Engineers are an example of a professional who should apply as an Engineering Professional NEC.

It can be challenging to choose the correct ANZSCO code while writing your CDR. Engineers frequently study a specific engineering subject, but they have extensive expertise in various technology sectors. Another typical issue is that some engineers lack sufficient practical experience. These and other factors may make selecting the correct ANZSCO code for your CDR or other evaluation application challenging.

I’ve offered a few suggestions in this article for people who have trouble deciding on the best code for their CDR or another form of evaluation application.

If you’re having trouble deciding on an ANZSCO code, I’ll be happy to assist you based on your previous experience. Please contact us through our website, CDRReportWriters, and one of us will assist you.

